1·In choosing our speakers, we wanted to cover a range of topics from development to team building.
2·For example, a framework for filling a job vacancy will be very specific, whereas a framework for evaluating compensation will need to cover a wide range of roles.
3·The summit is expected to cover a range of regional issues. Among them will be enhanced cooperation in disaster preparedness and response.
4·Because the range of connection methods for SQL and SPARQL vary, it isn't feasible to cover these in any detail here.
5·Labels cover different impacts and often appear on a relatively limited range of foods.
6·Our activities cover a wide range of commodities such as ties belts and shirts.
7·"Many of the radiocarbon dates for this period cover exactly the range that's under debate," Amihai Mazar says, chuckling wearily.
8·The 16 documents cover a wide range of areas including finance, railway, aviation and space, energy, scientific research and education.
9·The letters, most of which are undated and not included in the collection that was published in 1994, span more than 20 years and cover a wide range of topics—artistic, literary and surreal.
10·The questions cover a wide range of topics from all the five migration steps performed by the MTK.